Matching Item
Matching items represent a popular and convenient testing format. A good Matching test item is not easy to construct . the list of Matching instruments should be:
- Homogeneous
- It is to ensure to keep away the irrelevancy and could filler items from creeping in. The homogeneity could actually help to measure students knowledge of certain field.
- This will prevent implausible options from being eliminated by the stiudent, increasing the chance of guessing correctly .
2. Order Of List
- The readers are trained to read from left to right, hence the time for the testtaker should be consider. By placing the longer description in the left column , the students only reads the description once and glances down the list of right column only once and has to reread to find the answer and this will be very time consuming.
3. Easy Guessing.
- There should be equal numbers of options and description in each column whereby this will increase the chances of guessing correctly through elimination and in the end they will get the correct answer through elimination. More choice of description should be given to the students in order to enable them to guess correctly.
4. Poor Direction.
- Matching direction should be specific.
- Direction should indicate how the matching should be done. Should lines be drawn? or should letters or numbers be written next to the column? .
- Failure to indicate how matches should be done can greatly influenced the scoring .
5. Too Many Correct Responses and Ambiguous.
- Make sure the stated choices of answer is correct and will not confused the students.
Sample Test
Matching: Match the instrument with its description by placing the letter of the
definition in the space preceding the instrument name.
1. _____ Feli A. Musical bow
2. _____ Gbung gbung B. Harp-lute found in West Africa
3. _____ Nyeng-nyeng C. Triangular frame-zither
4. _____ Koning D. Goblet-shaped drum played by
master drummer
master drummer
5. _____ Kora E. Rattles added to an instrument
6. _____ Ghong-kpal F. two headed cylindrical drum
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